ECCAIRS compliance
European Coordination Center for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems: everything you need to know.
Supporting your ECCAIRS experience
ECCAIRS provides a digital platform to collect aviation safety information, with the ultimate aim of improving safety in the sector. Having the right system in place provides you with tools such as reports and automated submission to your local CAA, following the ECCAIRS E5X protocol.
90% reduction in submission time
On time accurate submission
Reduced regulatory risk

Automated CAA reporting
Aviation organizations must report to their local CAA. Automating workflows helps you to stay on track of deadlines, submit your reports, and track their success, ensuring high safety standards at every step.
Scheduled electronic submissions
Mobile app deployed to all relevant staff
Adoption of the web and mobile reporting app

Meeting ECCAIRS requirements
There are some strict regulations around CAA and ECCAIRS reporting, and our solution Ideagen Coruson provides you with tools that make it easier for your organization to meet these requirements.

ECCAIRS requirement
Ideagen Coruson solution
Any MOR (Mandatory Occurrence Report) must be reported to the appropriate CAA within 72 hours.
Our solution keeps a 72-hour clock for the submission of MORs.
A report to submit to the CAA and eventually to ECCAIRS needs to include a lot of detailed information and data.
Building a report on our application allows you with templates to easily input information and evidence, and provide workflows suitable for any occurrence.
Your own taxonomy and terminology will be different to the ones used on ECCAIRS.
When you classify an incident on our system using your own taxonomy, it will be configured to the ECCAIRS equivalent.
The ECCAIRS E5X protocol is required when submitting the report to the CAA.
Marking the occurrence for submission on our system allows it to be submitted to your CAA automatically, following the protocol.
ECCAIRS stands for the European Coordination Center for Accident and Incident Reporting systems, a digital platform integrating European National Aviation Authorities (NAAs)
and Safety Investigation Authorities (SIAs) to implement the provisions defined in EU regulation 376/2014.
ECCAIRS is utilized by aviation stakeholders, including Civil Aviation Authorities, airlines, air navigation service providers, aircraft manufacturers, airport authorities, maintenance organizations
and safety investigation authorities. It promotes standardized incident and accident reporting, fostering collaboration to enhance overall aviation safety.
ECCAIRS’ main goal is to support Aviation Authorities in collecting, sharing, and analyzing their safety information, to ultimately improve aviation safety.
NAA (National Aviation Authority) is how EASA and ICAO refer to CAA (Civil Aviation Authority).
When an occurrence is reported to a CAA, then the CAA reports it directly to EASA’s ECCAIRS system.
This regulation establishes a framework, across aviation domains at each level (industry, national, and European) to ensure the collection of as complete as
possible safety occurrence data and its analysis with a view to support the full spectrum of safety management activities.
Additional resources
Expand your ECCAIRS knowledge with our additional reading