Research and development
During the Covid-19 pandemic, life science companies worked at accelerated speed to produce a vaccine for the world. The overwhelming success of the vaccine development has shifted the perception of life sciences as a whole and opened the eyes of the industry to what could be. The potential for medical innovation, productivity and digital technology investment is at an all-time high.
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Scale and grow
To continue to build out digital capabilities within research and development, which can be scaled as your company grows, CIOs must identify innovative technologies that help you work faster, smarter and comply to evolving regulations.
With PleaseReview, R&D departments can efficiently manage the creation, co-authoring, review, and approval of all documentation, including patents, scientific research articles, lab reports, validation reports and more.
Efficiently manage the creation, co-authoring, review, and approval of all documentation
Accelerate your submission processes without compromising on compliance, data security and IP protection. Take total control of your content throughout your organisation and global network to produce high quality R&D documentation.


Scientific research articles

Lab reports

Validation reports

Declarations of conformity

Adverse event report forms

Informed consent forms (ICFs)

Patient diaries
Take total control of your content and produce high quality R&D documentation
Accelerated submissions
R&D is critical in fuelling the pipeline of life science companies. Costs can rise into the billions of dollars in the hope of discovering and developing the next big drug, therapy, or device. This means the faster documents can be created to be submission ready, the faster approvals for the next stage of development and trials can be granted, saving time, money, and resources.
Productivity for all
How often are you waiting around for a reply or losing information you know you’ve read before? A centralized environment provides control over the document being worked on and granular visibility to all those involved in the review. Never waste time in locating contributions or chasing individuals responsible for their part with automatic reminders. Keep up momentum and stay on track to hit deadlines.
Decrease compliance risks
Make the stress and rush of pulling together proof of compliance a thing of the past. Every comment, edit and suggestion are tracked, including the who, what, why and when of the activity. Meaning you can evidence an extensive audit trail and produce detailed reports, making you audit ready, always.
Additional Resources
Ideagen’s PleaseReview helps Lexicon Pharmaceuticals save hundreds of hours by reducing document review times.
Download case studyTranslate Bio
Translate Bio use PleaseReview to collaborate seamlessly with regulatory authorities around the world.
Download case studyPleaseReview success stories
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the top 5 approved vaccines were developed in record time with the help of PleaseReview, our real-time document collaboration tool.
Find out more