Mutual fund auditor engagements
Unparalleled insight into the audit market for mutual funds.
Ideagen Audit Analytics makes it easier than ever to understand the market for audit services among funds in the United States. Our database of mutual fund auditor engagements lets you know who audits who, the tenure of those relationships, and monitor changes and trends over time.

Easily identify the auditor of funds to support market intelligence and business development activities

Segment the market by fund type, location, total investments and more

Benchmark auditor-client relationships by auditor tenure and monitor non-audit fees
The mutual fund auditor engagements database tracks all current auditor relationships for ‘40 Act filer funds, at the fund level. It is a structured database that has been cleaned by significant manual review, ensuring consistency and accuracy to a very high standard.
Each record contains information on the fund, including series number, class tickers and names, fund type, the current auditor and its affiliate, and the auditor since date (tenure).