Europe transparency reports
Access every transparency report published annually by audit firms of public entities located in EEA, UK and Switzerland.
The Ideagen Audit Analytics Europe transparency reports database provides transparency reports published annually by auditors of EEA, UK and Switzerland-located public entities and the names of all entities disclosed on each audit firm's transparency reports since 2016.

Every transparency report available in one centralized database

All clients – especially the public interest entities (PIEs) – are extracted and normalized

Know who audits PIEs

Quickly identify the number of clients by auditor in every EEA country

Track year-over-year changes in audit-client relationships in the PIE market, including banks and insurers, in the EEA
EU regulations require auditors of public interest entities (which includes listed entities) to publish an annual transparency report at the latest four months after the end of each financial year.
Among other required disclosures, the Regulation requires "a list of public-interest entities for which the statutory auditor or the audit firm carried out statutory audits during the preceding financial year." See Article 13, Regulation (EU) No 537/2014.