Europe financial restatements
Track financial restatements disclosed by European companies since 2017.
The Ideagen Audit Analytics Europe financial restatements database covers companies listed on a regulated European exchange that have filed a financial restatement in English since January 1, 2017

Financial restatements across 8,000+ companies listed on EEA, UK and Swiss exchanges by industry, location and impact on income

Auditor of record during the restated period

Common reasons for financial restatements, including revenue recognition, financial fraud and accounting issues

Accounting quality by industry, peer group, market cap and more
The Europe financial restatements database tracks corrections of errors affecting the financial statements due to clerical error, misapplication of accounting standards, or fraud (collectively "restatements") in accordance with IAS 8.42 or equivalent accounting standards.
Restatements are included for companies listed on a regulated exchange located in the European economic area, UK and Switzerland. Restatements made by companies listed on select unregulated exchanges are included when available.