Bank holding companies
Access the entire market of Federal Reserve supervised bank holding companies.
The Ideagen Audit Analytics bank holding company database simplifies and organizes the information from Forms FR-Y9C, FR Y-9LP or FR Y-9SP into easy to use searches, profile pages, and CSV downloads.

Know who audits bank holding companies

Discover market size, trends, and changes for over 5,000 active institutions

Key data points include auditor, assets, revenue, audit and accounting fees, legal fees, structure and geographical data

Available in feeds for building internal applications
The FR Y-9C is filed by top-tier bank holding companies with total consolidated assets greater than or equal to $500 million.
The Federal Reserve may require a bank holding company with total consolidated assets of less than $500 million to submit the FR Y-9C and the FR Y-9LP reports to meet specific supervisory needs.
Regardless of fiscal year end, bank holding companies are required to submit filings on a calendar-end quarterly basis with data presented as year to date.