Accounting and auditing enforcement releases
Uncover financial reporting misconduct and the cases raised against them.
Accounting and auditing enforcement releases (AAERs) database contains detailed information about SEC enforcement actions against public and private companies, auditors, law firms and individuals.

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Monitor outcomes such as respondent orders, financial penalty amounts, and bars, prohibitions, suspensions and reinstatements

Key fields are violations, issues, respondents, respondent orders and related parties

View a summary of all the releases related to a specific violation in the AAER event download

See the data for each respondent in each AAER in the AAER respondent download
Accounting and auditing enforcement releases (AAERs) database is comprised of enforcement actions related to financial reporting concerning civil lawsuits brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission in federal court and notices and orders concerning the institution and/or settlement of administrative proceedings.
The database contains releases through October 18, 1999. It contains detailed information about SEC enforcement actions against public and private companies, auditors, law firms and individuals.